Mia Kalef
Speaker Topic:
It's Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth At Any Age
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Therapist, Author, Ceremonialist
Mia Kalef is a former Chiropractor and a Craniosacral Therapist of twenty five years. She founded a center for therapy and education called Emerging Families in the early 2000’s. Later, she wrote The Secret Life of Babies: How Our Prebirth and Birth Shape Our World, and more recently, It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth and Birth At Any Age. She incorporates osteopathic healing, cransiosacral, ceremonial healing, as well as ancestral work into working with babies and their families. She lives on the west coast of Canada, and teaches internationally.
Learn more about Mia on her website:
How can we make contact with a child's soul and spirit before they are conceived?
How can we help a baby make contact even during assisted reproduction?
What do we do after birth interventions? Is there a way to smooth out their effects for mothers and babies?
What is the Family Field and what does it entail?
What is a “conception gateway”?