Rebecca Thompson Hitt
Speaker Topic:
The Somatic Story of Birth: Working with Early Patterns For a More Connected Family and Life
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Holistic Family Therapist
Rebecca Thompson Hitt, MS, MFT, HFCE, PPNE is the founder and executive director of The Consciously Parenting Project, LLC. Rebecca has been supporting children and families for over 25 years and she holds a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She trained with the late Ray Castellino in Prenatal and Perinatal Somatic Psychology and completed the 18-month Child-Parent Psychotherapy program to support families with children under 6 to heal trauma in relationships. Rebecca is also the former co-director of APPPAH (Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health) where she supported students and created professional resources about early life experiences. Her passion is supporting families to connect and heal and to understand the story in the body and in the relationship that wants to be known. She supports families to connect and heal and to understand the story in the body and in the relationship that wants to be known. She helps families understand what unmet needs might exist when there is a disconnection. Understanding the story in the body and the patterns that begin during pregnancy, birth, and early life often holds clues to understand later behavior and how to respond in a way that meets everyone’s needs. Rebecca specializes in working with couples, early parenting, emotional and behavioral issues, and special circumstances (including loss, divorce, separation, attachment challenges, and adoption). She’s the author of 3 parenting books with her 4th, It’s Never Too Late to Heal, due out in December 2021.
Rebecca’s free gift to you:
Little People, Big Challenges: Story Sharing - audio and transcript
A conversation with Ray Castellino, Mary Jackson, and Rebecca talking about story sharing with babies and young children to support connection and healing together. This is an opportunity to hear one of the pioneers in the Prenatal and Perinatal Somatic Psychology movement and his colleague, a gifted homebirth midwife, talk about being with children in a way that supports healing for everyone in the family
Click here to access the free gift
You can learn more about Rebecca on her website:
How do you see what happened at birth show up later in babies and young children? How do you know it's from the birth?
What are common patterns you see after birth with sleeping, eating, and activity level and how is it connected to a child's birth patterns?
What can a parent do if they feel something is unfinished from birth and a child needs support to integrate the experience?
What is meant by “babies show us their stories”?
How do we determine if there is “a story” our child needs to hear?
Can you share a story of a child who was able to integrate their birth experience and what happened in the family?